Thursday, August 25, 2011

Various Adventures in Water.....

Hey Everyone!

So BOOO to the rain as it postponed our playdate! Charlotte and I did however make it to my all-time favorite Southern Maine beach: Willard (even if it was only for half an hour before the rain ruined this too!) Willard is awesome for four reasons: 1. Its on the ocean (as opposed to the lake which is where DGoff would rather be) 2. It is a sand beach but you can still find shells 3. There is a snack shack that has fried dough and 4. there is a freakin playground on the beach!!! Today was my first time taking the Goose to this beach and it was a BLAST. Ill put the pictures in order...of course the FIRST thing we did as soon as our feet hit the sand was hit up the playground:

After we played on the playground we chased the sea gulls, splashed in the water, and found some shells/rocks.....

The thunder and rain eventually drove us from the beach and after visiting Daddy-o at work and grabbing some hurricane rations from Target (oh and an ELMO balloon-dont forget that for goodness sakes) we headed home. After unloading all of our junk I realized that Charlotte was playing with her lifesized elmo while wearing an elmo shirt and holding her elmo balloon.....It was hilarious so I took a picture (see below) you can tell she is unimpressed at being posed :)

For some reason I think Goose looks like her uncle Silas in this picture. After a messy trip to the beach, messy snacks in the car, and a messy spagetti dinner Charlotte took a bath. Typically Im not much on putting bath pictures of C up but these are exceptions :) In one of them I caught her DRINKING TUB WATER....ewww! In the other she is counting!!! She can count to 3 :) I am super proud!

Ok with the internet running SOOOO slow I am going to call it a night with the picture uploading! Holy dial-up internet flashbacks! Lots of family visiting this weekend!! Should be lots of great pics and hopefully a playdate with Carter!!!!

Talk soon :)

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